We believe that Jesus redefined greatness for his friends as serving. As such we really do want to be a great church in the way that Jesus defines greatness – a serving community! 

Jesus himself did not come to be served but to serve. This means that we do not serve to “just get the job done” but rather to imitate Christ and develop godly maturity. Truly, serving is a fundamental characteristic of the Christian life. At Godfirst we are all contributors understanding that “we are joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, as each part does its share” (Eph 4:16)

Serving Teams

Due to the high value that we place on serving as a mark of Christian maturity, we enjoy a wonderful culture of every member being a part of a Sunday serving team. We aim to schedule people to serve once a month. This is a great way to express our togetherness and serve one another. Please choose one or more teams you are interested in joining by filling in the form below. 

Helping our kids have an awesome Sunday connecting with Jesus.

Serving the teenagers of our city.  Meetings are on Friday evenings.

Media: Sound, Projector and Camera

Our media crew work hand in hand with our bands to ensure that we can hear and engage fully in our corporate gatherings. The vital job of making sure we are all on the same page.

Welcome | First Touch
Helping people feel at home and ensure the smooth running of our venue.

Leading the congregation in singing and worship.  Regular auditions are held. Find out when the next auditions are taking place.

Tea | Hospitality
Keeps us refreshed and nourished.

Hospitality Baking
Making sure we are all well nourished by baking treats.

Take Them A Meal
Providing meals for families who have just had a baby or are sick.

Making visitors feel welcome and following up with them.

Social Justice
Caring for the poor in our community.